New Year's Resolutions
Hope ya’ll had great holidays and if you are still celebrating or have more coming: Enjoy!
Well, it’s that time of year again where we make goals to better ourselves in the new year. Somehow, unfortunately, we forget about them and they are never accomplished. So here is my list of goals I intend on completing but most likely will forget in a few months.
1. Blog more. I am aware that I have been a bit skimpy on my posts this year and intend on writing more.
2. Read more. I read 59 books in 2014, but sadly only reviewed a handful. If I read more, I can review more, leading to more posts. At least in theory.
3. Write more. I was able to finish two books this year, with more in the works. I would like to at least finish two more in the coming year.
4. Lose weight. Cliche and on everybody’s list, but I need to.
Short and simple. What’s on your list?