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My Book Facts

The hardest book To read:

The hardest book for me to read, is actually a series. The Sleeping Beauty series by Ann Rice. That series puts 50 Shades of Gray to shame and I was able to drag myself through the first book but didn’t make it halfway through the second before I called it quits.

A book I haven’t read yet but should have:

I have my own religious issues. I have made it my mission to read the bible, and have started it but keep putting it off. It is one book I feel I should read and should have read a long time ago.

Books I hated having to read in school, but I loved once I grew up:

Can’t say I have any of these yet. I have done well staying away from books I hated in school. That list would include two books: Lord of the Flies and To Kill A Mockingbird. I do not have any plans to reread these.

A book I should have read sooner:

Aside from the Bible, I would have to go with Lolita. Very interesting and wish I had read it when I was younger, give me a chance to love it longer than the 5 years and counting.

Books I read at least once a year:

I don’t usually read a certain book once a year. If the mood strikes for a certain reread, then I will but it doesn’t usually happen yearly. However, I have read the 50 Shades series once a year for two or three years now.

Books I should never have read:

That again goes to the Sleeping Beauty series. It just freaked me out and I cannot look at Disney’s Sleeping Beauty the same way.

My favorite books as a child:

The Dear America Series. Diaries from girls of different time periods expressing what their lives were like. I loved every one I could get my hands on. Another favorite was Love from Your Friend, Hannah by Mindy Warshaw Skolsky about a girl writing to FDR and becoming a penpal with him. I ended up writing a letter to Former President Clinton and George W. Bush. With all of my moving around I’m not sure what happened to the letter from Clinton, but I do still have GWB’s as well as a picture of him and his wife that was sent along with it.

Series that should have went further:

Harry Potter. A series that brought the world together could go one to fill in little details about Harry’s life after the War. How did everyone cope? Did they all get over it or are some still haunted? The ending J.K. provided was nice but so much could still be done.

Books that should not have been made into movies:

Twilight probably shouldn’t have been made into movies. While I loved the books and was overjoyed when the movies did come out, I think a lot was not transferred to the big screen and they kind of turned four good books into a bit of a mockery. Still love both the books and movies but hate comparing the two. I prefer to judge them separately.

Books that sucked me in:

Harry Potter, Twilight, 50 Shades…pretty much any book I find, I get sucked into at some point. Even if I end up not liking it.

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